Tuesday, May 13, 2014

29 Symptoms of Undetected Vision Problems

I just got this information from The Vision Therapy Center.  Thought it was worth passing along in a short little post.  Good for teachers, therapists and parents in the first steps to helping your child.

According to the American Optometric Association, 1 in 4 children have a vision problem that affects their ability to learn.  Many of those problems are vision problems which aren’t detected during typical vision screenings performed by schools and pediatricians.
Here are 29 symptoms that your child may have an undetected vision problem.
  1. Has a crossed or lazy eye
  2. Tilts the head to one side on a frequent basis, or has one shoulder that is noticeably higher
  3. Squints, blinks, and/or closes one eye repeatedly
  4. Holds the book close while reading
  5. Has poor hand-eye coordination
  6. Displays signs of emotional or developmental immaturity
  7. Has a low frustration level, and often doesn’t get along well with others
  8. Experiences blurry vision
  9. Complains of nausea or dizziness and motion sickness
  10. Experiences double vision (you may have to ask – “do you see two of these objects?”)
  11. Confuses left and right directions on an ongoing basis
  12. Loses his or her place when reading or copying from the board or paper
  13. Has difficulty remembering what was read
  14. Has difficulty remembering, identifying, and reproducing geometric shapes
  15. Reverses words
  16. Uses finger to read
  17. Rubs eyes during or after short periods of reading
  18. Skips words and/or has to re-read on a regular basis
  19. Omits small words
  20. Struggles with handwriting
  21. Moves head back and forth (instead of moving eyes)
  22. Appears clumsy, or frequently bumps into or drops things
  23. Experiences problems catching a ball
  24. Favors the use of one eye when reading or viewing an object
  25. Experiences burning or itching eyes, reddened in appearance
  26. Has frequent headaches in forehead or temples
  27. Exhibits posture problems
  28. Has a short attention span and is easily distracted
  29. Becomes nervous, irritable, or quickly fatigued while reading, looking at books, or doing close work

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